Featured guest: Jerilyn Jurinek, visual artist

“A village is a work of survival, of crumbling and repaired corridors, curling up hills for protection, for worship, community, for beauty and time to remember its story. Places built for protection are beautiful. Beauty is a kind of camouflage.” Jerilyn Jurinek What, René, did I get out of staying in Wassard Elea’s apartment inContinue reading “Featured guest: Jerilyn Jurinek, visual artist”

Featured Guest: Jaana Lönnroos, visual artist

Visual artist Jaana Lönnroos was resident at Wassard Elea during 2022, and we are delighted to share some images of work she produced while there. These artworks were part of an exhibition at Galeria Uusikuva, Kotka, Finland.

Setting off

We’ve decided to start a blog so that readers can see what we’re doing to improve the apartments and the retreat in general. We’ll also include practical tips for visiting and living in the Cilento, restoring and maintaining properties here, and other topics that could be useful to anyone who wants to visit or evenContinue reading “Setting off”